Monday, February 2, 2009

Freedom and Education part 1

There is nothing like freedom. But do you realize how free you really are?
Ask yourself
Can you chose your occupation?
Can you chose what to wear?
Can you chose your eating habits?
Can you speak your mind?
If you live in a democracy, the answer to all four questions was probably yes!
But are you really that free? Let's talk about school. A school does not only teach you knowledge but also a hidden curriculum, including values. Do you question those values and if you do, are you given the chance to question them openly? Usually a teacher will not accept a view that he does not see as "right". You are being judged which then reflects on your grades. I give you a very simple example: Suppose your dream is to become a magician - will your teacher support this dream or will he call it a chimera. I am talking about the majority here since I know there are exceptions, but usually the teacher himself has been taught what are "good" and "silly" careers and will try to teach the same to you.
Marxists believe that school prepares you for working life, teaching you to listen to the authority, not question anything you are being told, follow rules and stay quiet.
Feminists believe that discrimination starts in school, starting from the sex of the teacher to their behaviour with the students to the behaviour within mixed-gender groups of students. I guess many female students have heard a science or maths teacher saying: You are a girl, you can't do it anyway.
These are just two views out of uncountables, since variety in views is as big as variety in people.
I'm not saying that any of them is THE right view, but they should give you a little reason to think and question the system you are in.
Love and Light. Always question what you are asked to do before you are doing it!

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